r4d Forum 2015 Ecosystems and Food Security

In the r4d Forum 2015 Ecosystems and Food Security in Filzbach, Switzerland, on 19 to 20 March 2015, more than 80 participants from Asia, Africa and Europe met for a stimulating exchange.

Start19.03.2015 07:00
End20.03.2015 15:00
VenueFilzbach, Switzerland
Registration deadline19.03.2015

r4d Forum 2015 Ecosystems and Food Security


The r4d Forum 2015 Ecosystems and Food Security took place in Filzbach, Switzerland, on 19 to 20 March 2015 with more than 80 participants from Asia, Africa and Europe.​

The r4d Forum 2015 offered insights into the large spectrum of themes and approaches and into the geographical coverage of the eight new r4d projects. The focus was on communication and the science-policy interface. Framed by the stimulating keynote by Esther Turnhout, University of Wageningen, the r4d Forum 2015 provided the opportunity for exchange during various presentation formats and interactions. This enabled the building of an interdisciplinary and multicultural r4d community and in-depth discussion between the researchers, Review Panel members and representatives from development policy and practice. An opportunity to train presentation skills in 180 second project pitches laid the basis for 60 minutes filled with 12 strong as well as entertaining project presentations.