Premieres of research documentary "Inequality and Conflict - Beyond us and them"
The r4d programme announces the premieres in Switzerland and Guatemala of the research documentary "Inequality and Conflict - Beyond us and them". Join us for these milestone events in Geneva on 4.11.2019 or Guatemala City on 7.11.2019.
The r4d programme proudly announces the premieres of the research documentary emerging from an intense two years of synthesis work among the three research projects in the thematic area of "Social Conflicts" ( Ethnic Power Relations , Gender Dimensions of Social Conflict , Fostering Pluralistic Memories ):
"Inequality and Conflict - Beyond us and them"
A research documentary from Guatemala, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Switzerland
Official trailer Watch on YouTube
Please click on the picture to open the e-flyer (PDF)(845 MB).
More information on the events page .