Second Call for Transformation Accelerating Grants
The r4d programme launches its second Call for Transformation accelerating grants (TAGs) that allow teams of r4d researchers and implementing partners (e.g. policy makers, the private sector, development practitioners) to make use of the knowledge, tools and technologies developed within r4d projects through translation and implementation initiatives.
Transformation accelerating grants (TAGs) focus on co-creation, social learning, technology transfer and transformative actions with the ultimate aim to accelerate transformation towards sustainable development and reduce poverty in countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America.
TAGs shall test, validate, accelerate or facilitate the uptake and utilisation of research findings from an r4d project on a local or national scale in r4d partner countries or on an international scale. A TAG budget can be up to CHF 100’000 to be used over a period of maximal 12 months. The first six r4d TAG initiatives were selected in November 2019 (see News ).
Only teams composed of one main applicant and at least one project partner are eligible to apply for a Transformation accelerating grant (TAG).
- The main applicant is a researcher based at a Swiss research institution who is/was involved in the respective r4d project as Principle Investigator (PI) or Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI).
- At least one project partner is a person with a function in implementation, working for example at a government agency, a NGO or in the private sector. She or he provides substantial conceptual as well as practical input for the implementation of the project in the respective country.
- In principle, at least one project partner must be based at an institution in the global South (i.e. in a partner country of the r4d programme). Exceptions are possible and have to be justified.
- Further implementation partners or academic project partners from any r4d partner country (including Switzerland) can be part of the applying team.
A total budget of about CHF 800'000 is available for the second TAG Call. This means that 8 to 10 TAG initiatives can be funded.
Deadline for submission of proposals for the second TAG Call:
12 October 2020, 17.00 (CET)
TAG proposals have to be submitted via the online submission platform mySNF.
The Call document for Transformation accelerating grants can be downloaded here (PDF).
For finding r4d projects in partner countries please use our r4d interactive map :
Picture: Women from the savings group Abakorana Umurava, translated in English to "hardworking people" or "people working with courage" of the r4d TAG Building up savings and financial skills for economic empowerment and wellbeing of woman and youth in rural Rwanda . (c) Christine Bigler