Thanks for good collaborations in 2017 and best wishes for 2018
Wishing all researchers, Review Panel members and collaborators of the growing r4d network enriching insights and inspiring moments in the new year.
The r4d programme management looks back on 2017 as a year with numerous milestones.
Our year started with the selection of five new thematic projects funded in the additional thematic call. The network of projects and partners now extends to 45 countries with more than 240 grantees worldwide. While some of the first thematically open call projects are now completed, new ones are currently prepared in the third thematically open call, launched in February 2017.
In 2017, r4d programme reached more or less full size, after 5 years since the inception of this 10-year research programme.
The year 2017 was the perfect moment for a formative evaluation. The report of the Mid-term Review of the joint SDC-SNSF Swiss Programme for Research on Global Issues for Development was finalised in November 2017 and the r4d Steering Committee currently prepares the management response. The report will be published in 2018.
The year 2017 was also important for preparing and launching the synthesis processes at programme level as well as in the modules Social Conflicts, Ecosystems and Food Security Modules. We had creative exchanges during workshops and meetings with researchers, with representatives from SDC, with our Review Panel members and we look forward to the next steps.
From 5-8 September 2017, the International Conference on Research for Development ICRD 2017 provided an important platform for the r4d projects as well as stimulating insights into the complexities related to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development.
We are grateful for the collaborations and exchanges during 2017 and look forward to 2018. We wish all our partners and collaborators a Happy New Year!
Pictures from top left to bottom right: 1 Plenary Dialogue, ICRD 2017, Switzerland, September 2017 © M. Friedrich 2 Temple in Biratnagar, Nepal, November 2017 3 Pre-synthesis workshop Food Security, Switzerland, September 2017 4 Cultural Event @ Heitere Fahne, ICRD 2017, Switzerland, September 2017 5 Workshop at SDC for r4d programme synthesis, Switzerland, September 2017 6 Report cover of Mid-term Review of r4d programme (in press), November 2017 © Pictures 2-6: Claudia Zingerli and Claudia Rutte