Newsletter, 30.08.2016
The r4d programme presents itself with a brochure
International research partnerships can play a valuable role in tackling global challenges. The newly published brochure of the r4d programme provides an overview of its objectives and thematic areas.
54 pre-proposals evaluated in the Additional Thematic Call
The Additional Thematic Call with four topics resulted in 54 submissions of pre-proposals. Based on external reviews the ad hoc Review Panel evaluated them and invited 18 for developing full proposals.
Insights into current research in Employment and Social Conflicts
The r4d programme invites interested representatives from policy and practice to discuss new research results and insights in the thematic fields of employment and social conflicts. Two public events offer opportunities to directly exchange with six international research consortia.
13 new projects funded in the thematically open research module
Thirteen new transnational partnership projects are funded in the 2nd thematically open call. Researchers from 15 countries are involved.
   Trade policy and labour market outcomes

02.09.2016, Hotel Eden, Spiez

The r4d programme invites representatives from development policy and practice to learn, discuss and debate about research from eleven countries towards more and better jobs.

   Cutting Edges in Conflict Transformation Research

26.09.2016, Zentrum Paul Klee, Berne, Switzerland

The r4d programme invites representatives from policy and practice working in the field of social conflicts to discuss new results and insights at the edges of the body of knowledge on conflict transformation and resilience.

   All Events
   Brochure r4d programme

   All Publications
   Autumn/Winter 2016: 3rd Call r4d Thematically Open Research Module

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